You might understand me if you understood PTSD
I’m engaged now, I want the best life for me and her. We have two kids. I want the best life for them. If it’s a struggle with me every day, then it’s going to be a struggle. All I can do is go get the help I need. That way I assure myself the best life that I can have right now and not only for me but for them as well.
We got into an argument one night and I said, “It might really help you understand me and some of the ways I am if you understood what PTSD…it just might help you understand, you might be a little more sympathetic at times, but you’re going to need to know what’s possibly going on with me.”
So, she did some research on it, and then she started to get an idea of what it was. Then we went to the Vet Center is Spring, Texas and we started talking to somebody out there as a couple with a Veteran and he just kind of shined a whole light on it, because I can tell her all day long what this is, and a lot of people make excuses for themselves, but I wanted her and myself, let’s get in front of somebody else because maybe I am making excuses for myself, maybe I’m not, but let’s get somebody else’s opinion other than mine.
Her being supportive has made a huge difference. Everything is not perfect. We still have our struggles, but when you’re educated to what’s going on, it’s a lot better. It’s like with any fight, you go in blind, you don’t know what’s going to happen. You go in with a little bit of knowledge about what’s going on and it only benefits you and not only does it benefit me, it benefits her, it benefits our family.